Social Media

Should My Business Use Instagram?

Oct 04, 2024

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Businesses are continuously faced with a selection of platforms and tools designed to improve their marketing and brand awareness. One question many companies struggle with is what to do with Instagram for business. Should my company use Instagram? Is it worth it?

Instagram offers an undeniably broad reach – 2.4 billion active users. However, for many businesses (especially those not selling traditional consumer goods or services directly to people), it can be challenging to determine whether investing time and resources into this platform is worthwhile.

Digital marketing agencies (like us!) often provide a full suite of services to help clients figure out and navigate these decisions. It’s not right for every business. But, it can be undeniably valuable to those it is right for.

In this guide, we’re going to examine Instagram’s actual strengths, explore whether strategies for both organic and paid content are worth it, and help you decide if Instagram should become a key part of your business’s digital strategy.

Instagram for Business. Is It a Valuable Asset?

Let’s start by understanding why Instagram can be a game-changer for businesses in a variety of industries.

Visual Storytelling

Instagram is a visual-first platform, which means it’s optimised for images and videos. The human brain processes visuals faster than text, and Instagram capitalises on that by giving businesses the ability to showcase their products, services, and even their company culture in a really compelling way.

For industries where aesthetics and visuals matter, Instagram is a natural fit. But even if your business isn’t selling a visually driven product, Instagram can still provide value. People don’t just want to know what you sell; they want to know who you are, what values your company stands for, and why they should trust you. Instagram’s visual format makes it easy for companies to do this, build a narrative around their brand and connect with their audience on a more personal level.

For example, we find Instagram really beneficial, as we can use it to highlight the creative work behind what we do and the services we provide. We also use it to introduce our fantastic team members or visually break down complex strategies.


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Reaching an Already Highly Engaged Audience

Most recent data available shows that Instagram has one of the highest engagement rates among social media platforms, particularly with younger demographics. In fact, the majority of Instagram’s user base is between the ages of 18 and 34. This makes it quite literally the prime platform (along with TikTok, but that’s a blog post for another day!) for businesses targeting Millennials and Generation Z.

Even if your company’s target audience is older, Instagram is seeing growth in other demographics, too. Users aged 35-44 are also increasing in number, so Instagram is broadening its appeal across various age groups.

Whether you’re a B2C company selling products directly to consumers or even a B2B company, there’s always an opportunity to reach decision-makers, influencers, and potential clients through Instagram.

Humanising Your Brand

Humanising your business has never been more important than it is now. One of the most powerful ways companies can use Instagram is by showcasing the people behind the business.

Behind-the-scenes content, employee spotlights, and day-in-the-life posts are, without a doubt, some of the best-performing types of posts on Instagram. They give your audience a glimpse into your company’s culture and personality, which is key for building trust and loyalty.

So, for us, our social media team love to post videos of our team brainstorming sessions on new and creative strategies, celebrating small wins, bloopers on “serious” videos, or even just having a bit of fun in the office.

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The Power of User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content is one of the most effective ways to build brand credibility. And, if you think about it – Instagram is actually uniquely suited for UGC because of its tagging and sharing features.

Encourage your customers to post photos or videos of themselves using your products or services and tag your company. This helps you create a library of authentic, engaging content that shows real-world use of your offerings.

Instagram Features Every Business Should Know About

Instagram’s massive list of features can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially for businesses just getting started on the platform. So, let’s break it down to the most important features your company should be using.

Instagram Feed

The Instagram feed is the bread and butter of the platform – this is where your followers will see the majority of your posts. Feed posts can be static images, carousels (multiple visuals or videos), or videos up to 60 seconds long.

  • Best practices: Make sure your feed reflects your brand’s aesthetic and values. Be consistent. Post frequently, but focus on quality over quantity. Invest time in creating visually appealing posts that tell a story or provide value to your audience.

Instagram Stories

Instagram stories, which disappear after 24 hours, are a more casual way to engage with your audience.

Stories are perfect for sharing behind-the-scenes content, quick updates, polls, Q&A sessions, or promotional announcements. If used properly, stories can be a great way for businesses to maintain visibility and keep followers engaged.

  • Tip: Use stories to engage your audience more interactively. Think polls to ask what kind of content your followers want to see next or share short video clips, giving followers a behind-the-scenes look at how your team works.

Instagram Reels

Reels (which is Instagram’s answer to TikTok) allow you to create short, engaging videos (up to 90 seconds) that are often meant to be funny, educational, or creative.

Reels are given a prime spot on Instagram’s Explore page, making them a great way to reach new audiences beyond your follower base.

  • Tip: Experiment. Try educational reels that offer bite-sized tips or explainers about digital marketing concepts. For example, we’ve just posted a couple of reels quite recently on our Instagram about breaking down essential aspects of SEO, but in a fun and easy-to-understand way. Check them out!

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Instagram Live

Instagram Live allows you to stream live videos directly to your followers. If this is the sort of tool that would work for your product or service, definitely give it a go. It really is a great tool for hosting Q&A sessions, product launches, or in-depth tutorials.

Live videos encourage real-time interaction, allowing you to answer questions, engage with viewers, and create an authentic connection with your audience.

  • Tip: Just dive in. Try it out. Think of inviting industry experts to collaborate on live sessions, showcasing what you have to offer or just simple ways to give your followers additional value.

Instagram Shopping

For eCommerce brands, Instagram shopping is a must-have feature.

It allows businesses to tag products in their posts and stories, providing a seamless shopping experience. Users can browse and purchase products without ever leaving the app, making it a highly effective tool for driving sales.

So, this sort of feature isn’t something that would be ideal for what we do and offer here at Maxweb, but it’s 100% worth it for our clients in the retail or eCommerce space.

Paid Ads on Instagram

Instagram offers incredible advertising tools that allow businesses to promote posts, target specific demographics, and drive measurable results. Instagram ads also appear as native content within users’ feeds and stories, which makes them less intrusive and more likely to engage users compared to traditional ads.

Organic vs. Paid Strategies: What’s Right for Your Business?

To answer this question quickly – a successful Instagram strategy typically balances both organic content and paid ads. But, let’s explore how these two strategies differ and how you can make the most out of each one.

Organic Strategy

Organic content is the core part of your Instagram presence. It’s all about building a loyal audience, showcasing your brand’s personality, and creating a community around your business. Organic reach on Instagram may be lower than it once was, but that doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant – especially when you create content that resonates with your audience.

The key to a successful organic strategy is consistency, authenticity, and engagement. You want to post regularly, but more importantly, you want to interact with your followers.

So, respond to comments, participate in conversations, and share user-generated content to create a sense of community.

Paid Strategy

While organic content helps build relationships, paid ads are also just as essential for growing your audience and driving specific business goals. Instagram’s paid advertising options allow you to target users based on their demographics, interests, and behaviours, ensuring that your ads reach the right people.

Paid ads on Instagram can take many forms, including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads. Each type of ad serves a different purpose, from increasing brand awareness to driving conversions.

A balanced approach to this involves using paid ads to boost high-performing organic posts, running targeted campaigns to attract new followers, and testing various ad formats to see what resonates best with your audience.

So – Should Your Business Use Instagram?

Yes. For most businesses, the answer is a resounding yes.

Instagram provides an unparalleled opportunity to build brand awareness, engage with a highly active audience, and showcase your company’s personality. However, like any platform, success on Instagram requires a strategic approach that leverages both organic and paid content.

If you’re ready to create meaningful content, engage with your audience, and invest in both organic and paid strategies, then the answer is clear: Instagram can be an invaluable tool.

Need Help With Your Business on Instagram? Get In Touch Today

So, now you know Instagram is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, and with the right approach, it can help you reach new audiences, engage with your customers, and boost your brand’s visibility.

It’s a time-consuming process – so whether you’re looking to grow your presence organically or benefit from the impact of paid advertising, having a strategy tailored to your business goals is key.

From creating the visuals and onsite filming visits to running paid campaigns and maintaining your social platforms, our expert organic and paid social team specialise in creating custom Instagram strategies that deliver results. From creating engaging content to optimising ad campaigns, we’ll work with you to turn Instagram into a profitable platform for your business.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn how we can help your business thrive on Instagram with both organic and paid strategies.

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Should My Business Use Instagram?
