Client Stories

Easy Gap Exceeds Expectations!

Jan 03, 2013

Easy Gap Exceeds Expectations! Header Background

Easy Gap is part of Aequitas Automotive Limited and specialises in selling motor insurance, senior management teams have over 35 years of experience in this sector and have won many awards within the motor, finance and insurance industry.

Easy Gap believes customers should be treated with respect, honesty and should always be give the best deal possible. Like the company name “Aequitas” ,who was the Roman god of fair trade, Easy Gap wanted a fair deal for everyone, no tricks, gimmicks and fuss just genuine dependable policy features at real value for money prices.

“You will always speak to a fully qualified, UK based team member”

Easy Gap are a Wirral based company who sell insurance all over the country they aim to give the best customer service so whether you are calling to make a claim or general inquiry you will always speak to a fully qualified, UK based team member.

They are an insurance company who take pride in listening to customers and their suggestions, recently there have been recommendations for a website update so we at Maxweb have taken pride in designing and developing a new up-to-date version which will exceed expectations.

For your own peace of mind we have included an integrated payment system to ensure your details are secure. To save you time and effort you can now build online insurance quotes for different policies and save them, this way you don’t have to keep filling out the same information. You will also now receive reminder and renewal emails to ensure your vehicle insurance doesn’t expire.

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Easy Gap Exceeds Expectations!