As your digital partner, we will be able to help your business thrive in the digital landscape by offering some of the best PPC services in Liverpool.
Search Campaigns
We will set up search campaigns targeting valuable keywords that can attract customers to your business.
We conduct extensive keyword research and focus on keywords that can generate revenue and bring a profitable return on investment.
Search campaigns target broad, phrase, and exact-match keywords. Broad keywords are top-of-the-funnel keywords that can attract a large number of impressions and clicks, while exact-match keywords will only show up when somebody types in a specific phrase.
Based on your budget, we will look to get the most clicks possible, as different keywords have different associated costs.
Search campaigns will also be optimised by:
- Bid Adjustments
- Bid Modifiers
- Geo-Targeting
- Negative Keywords
- A/B Testing
- Optimising Assets
Pmax Campaigns
Performance Max campaigns bring together both search and shopping campaigns and use machine learning to enhance conversions.
Whilst they do surrender an element of control compared to traditional campaign adverts, we have achieved some fantastic results using Pmax.
It is crucial that your asset groups are properly segmented and appropriate audiences are targeted through signals.
If you have struggled to get the most out of Pmax and feel your current campaigns need optimising, we can update them to deliver better ROAS.
Google Shopping
Google Shopping is ideal if your e-commerce store sells products. The products will be displayed at the top of the search results, and they have the potential to drive sales for your business.
It is important to optimise your feed in Google Merchant Centre to help give your products relevancy to user searches. In addition to this, you have to really concentrate on adding negative keywords to products to ensure they show to the correct audience. If you sell a pink pair of shoes, you do not want your product to show if somebody searches for “black shoes”.
This process can include adding thousands of negative keywords until your shopping campaign is fine-tuned and consistently bringing in profit for your business.
Example of Google Shopping Results