Our SEO team perform many tasks that can help improve the position of your website in the search engines. Search engines take into consideration many factors when a user enters a search query, and the results that are displayed will be a consequence of these factors.
SEO is multi-faceted and can be broken down into three areas of concern:
• Onsite SEO
• Offsite SEO
• Technical SEO
When you hire an SEO expert, you must ensure all three areas are being covered. It is no good having great onsite if technical issues are holding the site back or if your site is technically proficient, but your offsite SEO has damaged your reputation through incorrect practices.
Each one of these areas is also specialised. We can’t all be great at everything, which is why hiring a multi-disciplined team can bring all these elements together and deliver the best results moving forward. This will involve great content writers, website developers and technical SEO experts working together under your dedicated SEO consultant.
Onsite SEO
Your website in St Helens may be a simple brochure website where you offer your services, or it could be an e-commerce store where you are looking to gain online sales.
In both cases, onsite SEO is a crucial part of this mix. It primarily involves your content, and we know this is a key ranking factor.
All the basics need to be covered here. Is your content unique and engaging? Have all the images been optimised? Do your images have descriptive alt text? Are your meta titles and descriptions optimised? Are your headings in a logical order?
Many websites can fail with the basics of onsite SEO through a lack of knowledge of these components or by simply overlooking the importance of these factors.
Beyond the basic elements of Onsite SEO, we also look at understanding a user’s journey through your website and their interactions with the website. This is also an often overlooked element of onsite SEO. If a user lands on a web page and bounces off straight away, do you think this sends a positive signal to Google? We would say this is not a positive signal in most cases unless you have answered their query instantly.
How about a user lands on your website, reads the content and performs further interactions on the page? From here, we can see how important it is to have a dedicated team. You will need designers, website developers and UX (User Experience) experts to work together with the SEO team to deliver positive results. Our on page SEO improvements include:
- Content Updates
- Meta Tags
- Image Optimisation
- Page Speed Improvements
- Keyword Targeting
Offsite SEO
Offsite SEO is mainly concerned with building links to your website and growing your Domain Authority (DA). There is a well-known correlation between quality backlinks and the position you will attain in search engines such as Google. Although this is only one factor to consider, can your website rank with few links? Yes of course it can, if your content answers queries and topics better than compared against competitors.
By building great content, people will find this online, and over the course of time, people will naturally share and reference your content. The pages that receive these backlinks are further strengthened, and we send a positive signal to the search engines that these are high-quality pages, and part of the proof is in the backlinks a specific page receives.
In the past, people have tried to manipulate this factor by purchasing backlinks which is a very risky move. Manipulation of the search engines can have very bad consequences for your website, and this is why here at Maxweb, we only provide white hat SEO services.
- Backlinks
- Google My Business
- Reviews
- Social Media
- Citations and Brand Mentions
Technical SEO
Technical SEO describes the work we do to ensure no technical issues are holding the site back from better placements in the search engines.
Some technical SEO elements can be found and fixed quite easily with a bit of background knowledge. Other technical aspects will need to be conducted by website developers, such as changes made to your server that require more expertise.
Technical SEO can concern issues such as site speed, HTTP errors, mobile issues, canonical issues and duplicate content, crawl errors, theme issues and poor server performance.
It could also be dependent on the platform you use; if you use Shopify, you may face different technical SEO issues using platforms such as Magento, Wix, WordPress, Joomla or Square Space. If you use a website heavy on Javascript, you could also face some difficulty with search engines discovering elements of your content.
Our dedicated SEO team understand the key technical issues that need to be identified on each platform and works together with the in-house development team to fix technical problems as part of our SEO service. Our team will find and resolve issues such as:
- Website Speed Issues
- Optomise Links
- Java Script SEO
- Broken Pages
- Redirects
- Indexing Problem
- Fix Bugs