Digital Marketing

5 ways to tell if your website works

Apr 23, 2021

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Picture this, you’ve invested a lot of money into designing and developing a business website. You’re marketing your website, you’re managing its ongoing activity, and you’re doing everything in your power to increase click-through rates. However, through such efforts, you’re noticing that your website isn’t producing the results you’d expect.

This is an unfortunate experience for many business owners, who see the necessity of a business website. Yet sadly do not appreciate the purpose of such a platform, which is failing to translate into their activity and ongoing maintenance.

At Maxweb Solutions, we hope for a different experience for you, whether you’ve yet to design a website, or already have assets in place to optimise and maintain your website. Understanding and measuring the success of your website is very important, as insights can provide areas for improvements, can home in on marketing efforts and can help you sustain a functional, purposeful and results-driven website without significant maintenance.

Here are 5 ways to tell if your website works, and if not, the next best steps you should take to profit from your website.


The importance of a functional optimised yet purposeful website

Having both a functional and optimised website is the goal for many. The functionality helps to improve user experience, while optimisation helps to place that experience in front of the right audience.

However, through the ongoing focus on both functionality and optimisation, the purpose of a website can get lost. Before considering the 5 ways to tell if your website works, to gauge the value of yours, it’s in fact recommended to consider whether your website has the right purpose attached to it. Without this security and reassurance, you may struggle to understand whether it’s the website itself that may be letting your company brand down, or whether it’s the activity that takes place surrounding your website.

What is the purpose of your website? Is it to motivate sales? Is it to boost industry credibility? Is it a blog-styled website, to work through customer pain points? Or is it a fully functional website that aims to do all of the above?

If you have a purposeful website, you’ll know whether your activity is helping to drive that purpose, resulting in a website that works, or whether you need to rethink your strategy.

Reasonably, as every website is different, and the purpose behind them can translate into different goals, it is important to investigate any downfalls with focus. Yet, our overview of 5 ways to tell if your website works should provide food for thought, either passing your website’s functionality and purpose or highlighting some key red flags within website design, development and maintenance.


5 ways to tell if your website works

1.You’re converting your audience into customers 

One of the best ways to consider the functionality of your website is whether you’re prospering to convert your audience into customers. You may be experiencing a wealth of click-throughs and traffic on your website. Yet, depending on the purpose of your website, is your audience taking action? Are they making a purchase, subscribing to your services, or engaging and increasing awareness of your offering? If so, this is a sign that your website works and fulfil your purpose. If your conversions are low, it may be time to rethink your content, user experience and design.


 2. You’re getting leads from your website 

Are people talking about your website, either online or to you personally? Has engagement started from website visits? Is your website acting as a strong part of the decision-making process for your customers? A website that works will provide quality leads, helping to profit on such an investment.

If you’re struggling to experience the type of traffic or engagement that you expect, the purpose or quality of your website may be lacking.


3. Your stats are strong on Google analytics  

If you’re questioning how to tell if your website works, Google analytics is one of the most useful tools you can use. Google analytics helps to assess the quality of your website and strengthen SEO results, yet it also helps to collect data around your website.

If your stats are strong across visits, engagement and conversion levels, this is one of 5 ways to tell if your website works. If you’re yet to use Google analytics or find that your stats are low, it’s time to revisit your web strategy.


4. Your website is serving its purpose  

Is the interaction that you’re experiencing reflecting the purpose of your website? For example, if your website is built as an eCommerce site, are your processing sales? If your website is built for advice and to build industry credibility, are any of your pages used for third party blogs, or circulated across social media?

Your website will be working properly by performing its purpose. If you’re struggling to experience quality interactions, you may need to rethink your purpose or your website structure.


 5. You’re obtaining both desktop and mobile users  

Both desktop and mobile users are very important when considering website usage. Your website must cater to both when considering user experience and functionality. Mobile compatibility is where many businesses go wrong, by developing a strong desktop structure, which cannot work on mobile platforms. If you’re gaining coverage and interaction through mobile connectivity, this is one of 5 ways to tell if your website works.


Design, develop and maintain a website that works for your business

Having a website is a significant asset for online business. However, it is imperative that your website works, has a purpose, is functional and is optimised to truly profit from such assets.

At Maxweb Solutions, we can help you secure the responsiveness, soundness and dependability of your website, to ensure that it works to your expectations. Through careful design, development and maintenance steps, we can help you start from scratch or revisit your existing website.

A working website can offer a multitude of benefits for your business. Measure the viability of yours by considering the above 5 ways to tell if your website works, followed by proactive strategy changes, if necessary, to improve the workings of your website. We’re here to help you throughout the process to secure online engagement, credibility and identity.

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