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Domain Registrar Email Phishing Scam

Mar 03, 2016

Domain Registrar Email Phishing Scam Header Background

To all our customers, Please by aware that large scale phishing scams are going around at the moment. You may be targeted by some malicious emails purporting to be sent from your domain registrar.

These phishing emails are commonly using the subject line “Domain [your domain] Suspension Notice” and will prompt you to download an attachment, or reply directly to the email.

We ask that you are extra cautious when checking your emails, especially with regards to any emails asking you to click on a link, or download any attachments.

If you have any doubts as to the validity of any email you have received, claiming to be from your domain registrar, please get in touch with us and do not respond to the email in question.

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Domain Registrar Email Phishing Scam
