Digital Marketing

How to use your content marketing to seed your lookalike audiences

Dec 04, 2020

How to use your content marketing to seed your lookalike audiences Header Background

When done correctly, content advertising and marketing can produce excellent results for a business. This is the reason increasing numbers of businesses have made their focal point to create high-quality content in order to succeed in their objectives.

However, not everyone is willing to dedicate the amount of time required for the content aspect of advertising and marketing. It is a large time investment for something that may not have the required effects.

One of the most effective ways to get maximum results from minimal effort is to seed lookalike audiences via content marketing.

Irrespective of the kind of content you create, you will use it as a seed to grow and develop your target audience by attracting other people who are the same as your current customers.

When you use blog posts, videos, advertisements or any other kind of content, it increases the number of people that view and interact with your content and this is how you can build relationships with individuals you may believe to be good customers.

The consideration of content marketing and the audience is very important.

Drawing up a content marketing plan is vital to any successful leverage of your online presence.


How lookalike audiences work

Big knowledge helps business owners and advertisers to have bigger insights into their customers than ever before. The big social media platforms allow us to find out about a consumer’s tastes, pursuits and beliefs.

Facebook, for example, screen their users and can identify how they engage with content material and what they prefer. This allows Facebook to unearth new audiences – by gathering information about behaviour patterns and to perceive customer conduct.

In turn, this helps advertisers to build better advertising campaigns and hit their target market.

For example, when you create a new advert on Facebook, the platform inquires about your objectives and you’re able to choose between a wide variety of marketing campaign goals.

The Facebook lookalike audience characteristic is a simple, practical way for you to reach a new audience that is similar to your current target audience.

You’re able to arrange a lookalike target audience dimension between 1% and 10% dependent on the intensity you want to have to grow your target audience.

1% comprises of those who are your base target audience. When you increase the dimensions to 10% however, the matching becomes less efficient and you may reach a higher number of people not suited to your campaigns.


How to seed your lookalike audience

The first way to seed your lookalike audience is to create a content marketing plan. Here, you can design and then create a content marketing blog post, or a series of blogs or digital or video content that is addressed to a specific topic.

You may already have several posts like this on your website. Your previous objective was likely to enhance your search ranking or to reach your audience for a single topic.

Now, your goal is to create content which reaches individuals who interact with your existing content.

When your content has been created, you need to drive traffic to the posts you’ve made. When creating content, your best approach is to create more than one post around a topic in order to attract specific website guests in accordance with what the reader is looking to learn.

When you’ve had visitors access your new content, use them as a seed target audience. You can cross over to social media and release a lookalike target audience to your preferred demography.

You can repeatedly develop your target audience over the course of a year.


The importance of lookalike audiences

Social media companies allow you as a business to leverage their significant understanding of consumers. Importantly, focusing on lookalike audiences will optimise your use of your marketing budget and ensure you’re spending less on your advertising.

Your blogs can enhance your credibility and your rankings in major search engines and by creating a topic cluster, you can corner a specific market with your content. A topic cluster is where you take a subtopic and write several items of content around that topic.

The goal of running a blog, creating digital media or video content is to help the reader understand the issue they are reading about.

Your potential customers will use specific keywords to find answers – and you can ensure the answers lie with your online business.

This is how you draw in site visitors. Creating clusters help you to get higher ratings with the major search engines and allows you to construct an authority on specific subjects and key phrases, making your company the go-to resource for the subject matter.


Audience alignment

In order to have an effect, your content material needs to be aligned with what your target audience is looking for. It’s important to align your advertising and marketing alongside your target audience objectives.

To ensure alignment, you should build your messaging with a goal in mind and track it for relevance to your target audience.

You should try and enter the mindset of your target audience and find out what triggers them to search for your product or company.

You should always try to speak to and interact with your existing customers to see what they are interested in – and you can do this easily enough via your social media channels.


How Maxweb can help

Trusted by local and national businesses across the United Kingdom for more than a decade, Maxweb is here to help you to create and seed lookalike audiences.

We are an experienced and dedicated team of designers, developers, project managers and SEO consultants. We create, promote and manage websites and mobile apps that sell your product.

Why not contact us today for assistance with your content marketing platform? We can act as a content marketing consultant and show you how to market to a specific audience and help you to create an audience marketing strategy.

Please call us on 0151 652 4777 and allow us to help you grow your in-market audience with our content marketing services.

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