Social Media

Top Five Twitter Advertising Tips

Feb 08, 2019

Top Five Twitter Advertising Tips Header Background

The use of technology is now part of everyday life. Whether it is for personal use or business use it is here to stay. The idea of using the Internet to promote business is no longer new.

There are so many options available to advertise your business it is hard to know where to begin and how much money to spend.

Whether your audience is the retail sector or business to business, having an effective marketing campaign is a prerequisite for business growth and survival.

Directing traffic to your website is an ongoing challenge. Making full use of search engine optimisation is a priority for every advertiser to ensure that your brand or company remains high in the Google rankings.

There are other ways to direct traffic to your website. Social networking services such as Facebook, LinkedIn ,and Twitter are all widely used. From these websites recommendations, to use your products and services can quickly develop.

If you have not considered using these other forms of social media, then perhaps now is the time to promote your business in another way.

Conversely, criticism of your products and services can also become widespread over social media. It is important that you must engage with Twitter yourself and be up-to-date with what customers are saying about your business.

What is Twitter?

The social networking service Twitter was founded in America. It is a social networking service which allows people to interact with one another using messages known as “tweets.”

Originally, there was a restriction on how many characters could be used in a tweet but this was revised late in 2017 allowing double the amount of characters to be used. This means that messages can carry more information than before allowing for greater impact.

Twitter is free to use for the exchange of general information. It is also used as a platform for businesses to seek out each other and make professional connections.

If you wish to place formal ad advertisements on Twitter, then there is a cost attached. Working out just how much an advertising campaign will cost is not simple as it is tailor-made to suit individual companies’ needs.

If you are considering using Twitter as an advertising platform then the first and probably most important advertising tip is to consider your budget.

What should I know before advertising on Twitter?

Having decided upon your budget, the next step is to find out just how far that budget will stretch. There are different levels of advertising on Twitter and each carries a different cost. Whether you are using simple text and the company brand or incorporating photographs and videos the cost will vary.

Naturally, the more visual impact your advertisements carry then the more money you can expect to pay. Responses measured Twitter shows that more clicks are received on the posts carrying videos and pictures.

Whichever method you choose to develop your advertising campaign on Twitter, the key is to ensure that your company appeals to the right marketplace. The content of your advertisements must be relevant and to the point and reach only those people who are likely to be future customers.

After budget, the second most important tip is to pay close attention to the relevance of the content of your advertisement. You must make sure that people recognise your company through your brand. Informing your potential customers of who you are and what you have to offer must be carried out in a succinct but inviting manner.

The object of the exercise is to encourage people to click on the link to your company website and find out more information. Your Twitter platform is a powerful link designed to reach potential customers who might not previously be aware of your company’s existence.

Twitter is designed to encourage people to follow others through tweets. If you want to find out where your potential customers are and what they are tweeting, then you must engage with Twitter yourself. Be an active user rather than a passive observer.

Consider who the most important people are within your business space. Business writers and journalists who regularly write reports about your industry. Having composed a list of influential people then you can create your own Twitter list.

Though regular engagement with members of your Twitter list you can seek to build relationships. Information about what is going on within your business circles can be exchanged and monitored. Opportunities for business collaboration could present themselves.

Spreading the word about your business or service through Twitter is an ongoing task. Encourage family, work colleagues and friends to follow you on Twitter. Encourage growth of this network to maximise the potential of any advertising campaign the you are running.

Think creatively, running a competition will always attract interest. You might decide to offer a discount to the first 25 people to re-tweet your post. There are many options to choose from when using a social media platform to promote your business.

How will Twitter work for my business?

There are many benefits to using social media to promote your business of which Twitter is only one option.
The five advertising tips described in this blog represent only a snapshot of the information that you will need to make sure that your advertising is effective.

As with any form of promotion or advertising there is a cost involved and you need to ensure that you are staying within budget and can carefully measure the response that you receive.

Many businesses seek professional help to guide them through the maze of social media advertising. If you would like to find out more about how to understand and maximise the advertising potential of Twitter, then contact the Maxweb team.

We can help you to get started on Twitter and show you how to measure how well you’re doing. For more information, call us on 0151 652 4777 or email

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