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Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Chat GPT for Content Creation

Mar 22, 2024

Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Chat GPT for Content Creation Header Background

Chat GPT and other artificial intelligence tools have completely changed how we approach content creation. Let’s face it – they offer speed and can produce content on almost any topic you can think of.

But (and it’s a big but), completely relying on Chat GPT for content creation might not be the solution many hope for. In this article, we explore why no one should rely solely on Chat GPT for content creation and why it’s essential to blend AI capabilities (if you’re going to use it) with actual human creativity.


Chat GPT and Content Creation: Why You Shouldn’t Solely Rely on AI

There are many reasons, but we’ve gone over the most evident reasons why using chat GPT alone for content creation is a big no-no.

Sometimes, It’s Just Plain Inaccurate

One of the biggest problems with Chat GPT is its ability to produce utterly inaccurate content.

Remember, AI models are trained on datasets from the Internet, which, as we know, is not always the most reliable source of information. This means that the content generated by Chat GPT can sometimes be either outdated or simply incorrect.

Fact-checking becomes a big step when using Chat GPT for content creation, which actually ends up adding more time and an extra layer of work to ensure the reliability of the information being presented.

It’s Not a Very Creative Content Writer

Although Chat GPT can generate content on a wide range of topics – its outputs often lack that spark of creativity that comes naturally to human writers.

As we touched on above, AI follows patterns and trends in the data it was trained on. This leads to content that can feel almost repetitive, formulaic, or derivative. For content that stands out and engages readers on a deeper level, the creative human touch is (in our opinion, anyway) irreplaceable. Those unique insights, personal touches, personal voice, and imaginative storytelling are areas where human content creators shine.

It Lacks a Human Writer’s Touch

I know we said this above, but human emotion, empathy, and connection are hard for AI to replicate. In fact, we’d go as far as to say impossible – for the time being, anyway!

Of course, Chat GPT can produce structurally sound sentences that make sense and are grammatically correct. But what about things like tone or emotional depth that would be deemed appropriate for the topic or audience? This is where it just doesn’t match up.

Whether it’s a blog post like this one, a white paper, or an opinion piece, human writers bring their critical thinking skills, experiences, emotional intelligence, knowledge, and personal touch to their writing, creating content that resonates with readers on a personal level. This human element is essential for building a genuine connection with your audience, especially if you want your content to stand out.

AI-Generated Content Can Impact SEO (And Not In a Good Way)

Google is becoming increasingly sophisticated at identifying and penalising low-quality, AI-generated content. The keyword there is low-quality. There’s nothing wrong with using AI as part of your content writing tools, but to create content that’s completely AI-generated, and that lacks depth or doesn’t add any value to the subject matter? That’s where you might see some trouble for your website.

We’re in the middle of a Google Core Update right now, and some experienced SEOs are of the opinion that the algorithms are beginning to prioritise content that offers original insights, in-depth analysis, and genuine value to readers.

So, when there’s an overreliance on AI for content creation, it can lead to a drop in search engine rankings, as these algorithms can flag content that appears to be generated by AI, lacking the depth and quality that come from human-crafted articles.

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Okay, so we know that Chat GPT has access to a lot of readily available information, and it can condense this for you and repeat it back.

But imagine you want to produce content about something very specific. For an experienced SEO, this could be complex site migrations, forecasting algorithm changes, conducting detailed technical SEO audits or advanced schema markup strategies. You’ve spent time learning about your profession, taking the time to understand all the tiny details and big concepts that make it what it is.

Now, if you come to ChatGPT and ask about your speciality, it’ll try its very best to give you what you need to know, pulling from what it’s read up until its last update.

Here’s the thing, though. ChatGPT is, as our header suggests, a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. It doesn’t get to update its knowledge in real-time or experience those lightbulb moments that come from years of focused practice.

So, when you ask it for details on something super specialised, it might simplify things too much or not get all the facts right. It’s comparable to getting a summary from someone who’s read lots of articles about the topic but hasn’t actually done the thing themselves. They might hit the main points, but they’ll fall short at the part where deep understanding is needed, which only comes from hands-on experience.

Using Chat GPT As a Content Writing Tool

We know this article might seem as though we are not team Chat GPT. But, actually, we think AI tools can be incredibly valuable and helpful (if used correctly) as part of the writing process.

For example:

  • Idea generation: AI tools can definitely help with coming up with ideas for articles, blog posts and more, providing a wide range of suggestions that you might not have thought of on your own. Which, of course, is incredibly handy. Especially for the times when you need help to overcome writer’s block.
  • Content planning & structure: It can assist in writing drafts, saving a lot of time and effort in the initial phases of content creation.
  • Content enhancement: It can help with quality control by suggesting edits, enhancing vocabulary, and improving sentence structure for clearer communication.
  • SEO: It can suggest SEO keywords and phrases to incorporate into your content to improve its visibility on search engines. This can be a great base, but make sure to cross-reference any keywords you’re targeting on your SEO tools.
  • Email and social media marketing: It can be pretty good at creating templates for engaging email templates and social media posts. You’ll most likely need to edit it, but it should save you a bit of time if you have a base to work from.
  • Feedback: It can offer objective, unbiased and constructive feedback on written content. suggesting areas for improvement or alternative approaches.


Need Help With Your Content Creation? Get in Touch Today!

We hope you’ve found our article on AI-powered language models useful. At Maxweb, our team of skilled SEO copywriters knows how to create compelling and engaging high-quality content that resonates with your audience, drives engagement, and achieves your business goals, no matter the industry.

Whether you’re in need of blog posts, website content, marketing materials, or any other form of content, our team can do anything to elevate your brand’s voice, content ideas and message.

Don’t let your content strategy fall short by relying solely on AI! Get in touch on 0151 652 4777 today.

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Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Chat GPT for Content Creation
