
5 hacks to improve your online presence

Dec 18, 2020

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In today’s day and age, a business’s online presence must effectively target, reach and convert customers.

Yet many small and large businesses often fail to ensure that their online presence contributes to their success.

With this in mind, at MaxWeb Solutions, we are sharing our 5 hacks to improve your online presence with you.

Irrespective of whether you own a small local business, or a large scale organisation, our 5 hacks to improve your online presence will enable you to reach your target audience, secure those all-important leads and obtain a return-on-investment.


1. Optimise Your Website For Search

With over 3.5 billion Google searches conducted every single day across the United Kingdom, ensuring that your website is optimised for search will see your business go from strength to strength.

Taking advantage of search engine optimisation will essentially see your website optimised for a wealth of short and long-tail keywords that your target audience will be searching for.

If your website is optimised for search, as your target audience conducts searches to find solutions to their needs and wants, the chances that they will come across your website are much greater.

In turn, you will find that the number of people visiting your website on a daily basis gradually increases.


2. Ensure That Your Website Is Mobile Friendly

If you are looking to improve your online presence, it is worth considering whether your website is mobile-friendly.

In 2019, it was reported that 80% of internet users used their mobile to conduct searches. Unfortunately, failing to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly will make it somewhat impossible for those using mobile devices to view your website.

This will regrettably see your target audience take their business elsewhere.

However, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly has the potential to see your online presence soar.

As Google states that mobile-friendly websites appear higher in their search engine results, a mobile-friendly website will effectively see you reach a more significant number of people.

Your website will also experience an influx in website traffic, pages per session and users.


3. Take Advantage of Social Media

When it comes to improving your online presence, employing social media is highly recommended.

Social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and even LinkedIn will provide you with the opportunity to communicate with your target audience on a one-to-one and one-to-many basis.

Not only will taking advantage of social media enable you to form long-lasting consumer relationships and retain consumers, but social media will also ensure that your business is found by those that are looking for the services that you provide.

However, if you are looking to take advantage of social media to improve your online presence, you must employ the right channels.

If your business operates on a business to consumer (B2C) basis, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will enable you to improve your online presence.

If your business operates on a business to business (B2B) basis, LinkedIn and Twitter are the channels that you should aim to focus on.

You must also socially listen to what your target customers are saying in order to form meaningful connections and convert them.


4. Create A Google My Business Account

If you have come across our other blogs, you may already have an understanding of why taking advantage of Google My Business is vital. Google My Business is a free form of online marketing that enables businesses to reach and target local customers.

Regardless of whether you own a physical location or predominately operate online, employing Google My Business will effectively see local customers discover your services through a simple search.

Although many businesses tend to overlook Google My Business, we highly recommend that you take advantage of this free form of digital marketing if you are looking to improve your online presence. This is because local search has quickly become an integral aspect of any business’s digital marketing efforts.

Employing Google My Business will not only improve your online presence. It will additionally help you secure those all-important sales and obtain a return-on-investment.


5. Regularly Analyse Your Online Performance

Unless you are a digital marketing expert, you are probably unaware that regularly analysing your online performance can effectively improve your online presence.

Taking advantage of Google Analytics will enable you to review key performance indicators that will offer you insight into the overall performance of your digital marketing efforts.

Reviewing your online performance on a weekly, fortnightly and monthly basis will outline metrics including your website traffic, the number of users taking advantage of your website, your bounce rate, the number of pages viewed per visit and the amount of time spent on your website.

If you are looking to improve your online presence, you should aim for a higher number of users, pages per view, time per session. You should also ensure that your bounce rate is below 55%.

As you review your digital performance, you will uncover areas for improvement. For example, if your bounce rate is over the recommended 55%, you will likely need to improve your search engine optimisation and keyword strategy. This is because a bounce rate greater than 55% indicates that users are clicking off of your website on the first page that they visit. This mainly occurs when users are unable to find what they are looking for and believe that an organisation is unable to meet their needs.

Reviewing your online performance will also indicate which channels are providing you with greater success. This will offer insight into where you should focus your marketing efforts in order to improve your online presence.


Contact MaxWeb Solutions for Your Digital Marketing Needs

Having uncovered our 5 hacks to improve your online presence, if you find yourself hoping to obtain professional support, why not let us help you?

At MaxWeb Solutions, we provide our clients with responsive, mobile-friendly websites, search engine optimised content and a wealth of other digital marketing services that contribute to the success of their online presence.

If you would like to find out more about our services or uncover what we can do for your business, give us a call today on 0151 652 4777.

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