
How To Increase Sales To An E-Commerce Site

Dec 22, 2020

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Do you own an e-commerce site? Have your sales recently slowed down? Have you struggled to increase your sales.

If you own an e-commerce site, fluctuations in sales are somewhat common. However, if your sales have slowed down or come to a halt, you will likely find yourself searching for methods to increase sales to your e-commerce site once again.

If this resonates with you, we are on hand to provide our five tips on how to increase sales to an e-commerce site.


Optimise Your E-Commerce Site for Search

As you developed your e-commerce site, you will have likely identified the short and long term keywords that your target customers will use as they search for the products and services that you offer. As you launched your search engine optimised e-commerce site, you will have acquired an influx of visitors. In turn, you will have obtained sales.

However, over time, you may have noticed that sales reduced.

When it comes to ensuring that your e-commerce website is optimised for search, you must take into consideration that over time, your target customers needs and wants will evolve. With this in mind, the keywords that you once employed to reach your target customers will become ineffective.

To ensure that you can increase sales to your e-commerce site, you will need to ensure that the keywords you employ reflect your customers wants and needs at all times.

Ideally, it would be best if you aimed to revisit your keyword strategy to ensure that your e-commerce site remains optimised for search every three to six months.


Ensure That You Effectively Communicate With Your Target Customers

As you attempt to increase sales to an e-commerce site, you must consider whether you are effectively communicating with your target audience.

After all, merely pushing your products or services in front of your target customer is not enough to convert them.

Although you may be taking advantage of social media and email marketing to communicate with your target customers, you must ensure that you consider their needs and share how your products or services can fulfil them.

Employing one-to-one and one-to-many forms of communication methods will enable you to communicate with your audience and increase sales to your e-commerce site.

One-to-one methods of communication consist of talking directly to one customer, for example, via a direct message. This will enable you to answer any queries that they have and encourage them to purchase from you.

In contrast, one-to-many methods of communication could include publishing content on social media. However, if you are publishing content on social media, you must ensure that you are directly speaking to your target customers and informing them of how your products or services can assist them.


Employ Customer Retention Strategies

Although many organisations focus on acquiring new customers, retaining existing customers has the potential to see your e-commerce sales soar. After all, 80% of your business sales will come from 20% of your existing customer base.

Considering this, employing various customer retention strategies will help to increase sales to your e-commerce site.

In addition, retaining your existing customers will enable you to enlist brand advocates. Brand advocates are beneficial when it comes to increasing sales to an e-commerce site as they will act as a form of word-of-mouth marketing.

Customer retention strategies often include loyalty programmes that offer a reward for making a certain number of purchases.

If you already have an established base of brand advocates, offering them discount codes to share with their social media followers, friends and family members will also help increase sales to your e-commerce site.


Ensure That Your Website Is Mobile Friendly

While often overlooked, if you are hoping to increase sales to your e-commerce site, you must ensure that your website is mobile-friendly.

Over the last few years, the number of customers using their mobile devices to make purchases have surged. In fact, research shows that 82% of customers will purchase via their mobile.

If you have noticed that your sales have reduced, it may be worth considering whether or not your website is mobile-friendly. If you are yet to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, your customers may struggle to purchase from you. This will, unfortunately, see them look elsewhere for the products or services that they require.


List Your Business On Google My Business

Last but not least, if you find yourself searching for how to increase sales to an e-commerce site, taking advantage of Google My Business is highly recommended.

Google My Business acts as a free form of marketing that enables companies to target and reach local customers.

Quite often, reduced sales will highlight that a business is not effectively targeting their desired audience. However, Google My Business will ensure that your target audience comes across your e-commerce site as they search for products or services in their local area.

If your target audience can find your products in their time of need at ease, they will be more inclined to purchase from you. In turn, you will soon find that sales to your e-commerce site increase.


Let Us Help You

If you have attempted to take advantage of our tips on how to increase sales to an e-commerce site, yet still find yourself struggling to increase sales, why not let us help you?

At MaxWeb Solutions, we work with companies across the country to ensure that their digital marketing efforts convert customers and increase sales.

Through the employment of search engine optimisation, social media marketing, advertising and website design, we can ensure that your target audience finds your products. In turn, you will soon find that your sales once again increase.

Regardless of the platform that you are currently using, our e-commerce services are designed to suit your e-commerce needs.


Contact Us Today

If you are interested in finding out more about our e-commerce services or want to uncover how we can support you as you look to increase sales to an e-commerce site, please feel free to get into contact with us.

Simply call 0151 652 4777 or email info@maxwebsolutions.co.uk.

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How To Increase Sales To An E-Commerce Site
