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A Guide to Technical SEO Vs Content SEO

Aug 18, 2023

A Guide to Technical SEO Vs Content SEO Header Background

To stay with the competition in the online space, you need your website to be visible. Increasing brand awareness and audience reach with things like SEO helps grow your business and become a success.

This guide that helps explain technical SEO vs content SEO should help you see the importance of both and how to better implement them on your website. See more below.


Introduction to SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and it is the process in which a website can be more visible in search engines. Search engines like Google use algorithms to crawl through every website on the internet and rank them for people searching.

Besides technical and content SEO there are other types including national SEO and e-commerce SEO. With an effective SEO strategy, your website will rank higher in search result pages and be more relevant. This can help drive organic search traffic, which means you get unpaid search engine results rather than using paid ads.


Technical SEO vs Content SEO

That are two main aspects that can help you rank better with search engine crawlers – written content on your website and the technical website structure. These are defined as content SEO and technical SEO and work together to help prospective customers find you more easily.


What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the foundation of your website – the loading time and website page speeds, navigation, optimised for mobile and security. The main role of technical SEO is to make it more accessible to search engine crawlers. If search engines can more easily go through a site and index it then it can be ranked higher in relevant searches.

Other elements of technical SEO include:

  • Image optimisation
  • Website structure
  • Schema makeup
  • Metadata

Find out more about what technical SEO is here.


What is Content SEO?

Content SEO is also known as on-page SEO. This says what it means – it’s all the words and content you see on a website. Populating your page with engaging and valuable content that is relevant to your users can help your site rank higher in search engines. Search engines look at the relevant content on the page, headlines, page layout, meta descriptions and URLs to help rank your website.

In today’s competitive market, up-to-date content and presentation can help keep people on your site for longer. If they are staying on your site, they are not looking at competitors and are more likely to become customers.


Comparing Technical SEO vs Content SEO

There are differences and connections between technical SEO vs Content SEO.

Technical SEO is more technical and a greater understanding of web design may be needed to be more effective at this aspect. Content SEO is broader and focused on how to appeal to your audience.

Content SEO can be improved on a tighter budget whilst technical SEO may require funds and a longer period to fully deal with speed, crawling and indexing issues.

That being said, technical and content SEO are linked – one is backstage, the other at the front. What is important to remember though is they are both a part of the same show. If you have great content but a slow page, people aren’t going to read or see it. If your website is slick and fantastic to look at but the content is bland, irrelevant and hitting the wrong audience then it’s all wasted.

Combining both elements and focusing your attention where it is needed will bring the best results. The technical stuff can be harder to figure out and is the bedrock of your site, so it may be better to start there but creating great content can help build your brand quickly.


The Importance of Technical SEO vs Content SEO

Technical SEO is important due to how it can improve your website in several ways, including:

  • Reaching a Wider Audience

Over half the users on the internet are browsing it with a smartphone. Making sure your website has a responsive design suited for smartphone branding means you are reaching a huge chunk of your potential audience. Google’s ranking algorithm now puts a lot of weight on whether a site is mobile-optimised. To rank highly on search pages and stay with the audience it is important to follow this trend.

  • Improves Performance

A key aspect of technical SEO is website speed. Fast-loading websites are looked on favourably by Google. There are millions of websites out there and customers are not looking to waste any time when searching for something they need.

  • Better User experience

Page layout, website structure, and good backlinking are all aspects of technical SEO that cannot be ignored. If a website has logical navigation, then potential customers are likely to stay on and have a better experience.


Content SEO optimisation is also for many reasons, including:

  • Increases Brand Awareness

Relevant content that is engaging can help you reach more people. Content can be shared on social media, linked to in group chats and help get more eyes on your brand.

  • Builds Trust

Google puts a lot on websites that are authoritative and trusted by the wider public. With the frequent posting of content and being visible on social media, your business gains credibility that will attract more people.

  • Cost Effective

Content SEO can be free if you want it. Whereas Google and PPC ads can increase your ranking, organic traffic built on content SEO can be a more sustainable way to grow your audience.


How to Optimise Both for Success

Looking at your SEO strategy as a whole, rather than technical SEO vs content SEO is helpful to optimising both. There are no right answers to how you approach SEO, but here are some things you can consider when looking to implement technical and content SEO.

Keyword Research

Keyword research means you find the words and terms people are putting into search engines. Having the right keywords in your content means that users can find relevant content that will appeal to them.


Making sure your content has internal linking to other pages on your site and links out to trusted high-quality pages helps Google rank you higher. Hyperlinks are important and also help with navigation.

Content Creation

They say that content is king. Regular, well-informed content will do wonders for your business. Engaging, informative and well-written landing pages, blogs and web pages are vital to any site’s success.

Fix Broken Pages

Broken pages or backlinks that go nowhere are bad for user experience. It’s also wasted on search engine crawlers.

Use Structured Data

Structured data are bits of information in the form of code snippet that helps search engines know what a website’s content is about. Structured data can improve visibility, click-through rate and website relevancy.


HTTPS is a more secure version of HTTP that protects sensitive user information. For many browsers, security is very important. If potential customers know that your site is safe, they are likely to stay there.


Chat with Our SEO Experts

SEO optimisation can help the success of your website and grow your business. There should be no mindset of technical SEO vs content SEO as it is clear both aspects are important to great web design.

To know more about us at Maxweb Solutions and get the help you need, call 0151 652 4777.

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A Guide to Technical SEO Vs Content SEO
