Digital Marketing

How to create high-quality content?

Sep 17, 2021

How to create high-quality content? Header Background

Content is ranked as king across the marketing landscape. Rightly so due to its place across each specialism and channel. While content can be extremely effective when considering the delivery, engagement, and opinion of marketing messages, through poor formats, it can also deter digital opportunities.

Maintaining high-quality content is justifiably important, to increase SEO rankings, attract target audiences, sustain reputability, and serve as a credible industry player. However, poor content can devalue business offerings, result in low SEO rankings, reduce the functionality of online platforms, and can cause unclear/unsuitable engagements.

Content marketing is more than creating a stream of lengthy, consistent content to fill the gap. It’s about engaging with both human and technological wavelengths, to deliver on technical and marketing objectives.

Here’s some insight into content marketing, along with some tips on ‘how to create high-quality content?’. At MaxWeb Solutions, we have over 10 years of experience within content marketing, are Google Partners and specialise in widespread SEO. Reach out for support with formatting and distributing high-quality content.


What is identified as high-quality content?

Content is formatted in many different ways, from copy to visual effects. Whilst content marketing is changeable, high-quality content is specific, following key criteria.

High-quality content is identified as:

  • Useful
  • Relevant
  • Informational/emotive
  • Insightful and accurate
  • Educational
  • An answer to a customer problem
  • Purpose-driven
  • Reflective of marketing objectives
  • Both technical and humanised
  • Optimised
  • Weighty in length and context
  • Engaging
  • Diverse

Formatting, producing, and circulating content that reflects the above can offer many benefits when considering the performance of content marketing. High-quality content can help with search engine rankings, can act as a proactive touchpoint throughout the customer decision-making process, can increase credibility, can advance trust, and can consistently reflect values and missions.

If you’re looking to experience such benefits, read through ‘how to create high-quality content?’, offering tips on creative and strategic content marketing.


How to create high-quality content?

Content writing is more than creating a length of copy that promotes a service or contributes to a current industry trend. It’s about speaking out to target audiences with relatability, whilst also performing across digital platforms. Here’s how to create high-quality content, to achieve both objectives of content marketing.

Be specific and relevant

For content to perform, it must be both specific and relevant. For informational pieces, content should be straight to the point, clearly produced and extremely relevant, focusing on a certain pain point or trend. For emotive pieces, relevancy should be found through the connection and feelings that the content offers.

Aim for engagement, connectivity, and reliability

High-quality content should engage readers, should maintain connectivity and should build a strong link through relatability. All can help to increase loyalty and trust between audiences and brands.

Before producing content, it’s recommended to consider each measure, to ensure that content speaks to target audiences, whilst delivering purpose and a human touch.

Be consistent

A high-quality content strategy will naturally prioritise the value of content writing and visual design. However, it should also focus on the consistency of content. For content to rank across search engines, it must be consistently circulated, to maintain activity, input, and relevancy.

Creating high-quality content should therefore focus on balancing quality with the number of briefs.

Follow content trends

A high-quality piece of content can promote the services and offerings of a company. Yet a proactive way to also maintain engagement and click-throughs is by following and acting on content trends. Expectedly, creativity and a unique angle should always be followed. Yet considering key talking areas, for your industry, will be recommended, to continue the conversation.

Implement calls to action

Content is useless without a call to action. For example, content may be of high quality from an accuracy and engagement level. Yet without a clear call to action, customer conversions will be low and unpredictable, reducing the value of content marketing.

Content marketing is a strategy to increase awareness, engagement, and conversions, through both technical and human platforms. Including calls to action will offer direction, along with contributing to marketing objectives.

Set search goals

To answer, ‘how to create high-quality content?’, from an SEO perspective, setting search goals will be encouraged. Keyword optimisation is a big part of content marketing, to ensure that content can rank effectively across search engines. By setting search goals, a plan will be in place to ensure that content is pulled up through customer searches, pain points and trends.

Be accurate

If the content is heavily informational, it’s important that statistics and findings are accurate. Creating high-quality content should include a prior step of research to secure the accuracy and dependability of the information.

Make use of credible sources

Especially for SEO purposes, the use of credible sources across online content is recommended. Incorporating credible support will increase the credibility of your content, both visible by search engines and audiences.

Internal and external backlinks should therefore be credible, be of high quality and be relevant.

Add experience

First-hand experience throughout content writing will add another layer of interest. Instead of reiterating common knowledge, adding in some personality and experience will increase the engagement of content.

Format for functionality and readability across mobile and desktop

Formatting content is just as important as creating it. To rank as high-quality, content should be formatted for both functionality and readability across mobile and desktop platforms. Many businesses fail to achieve both by formatting for desktops alone. This will impact search rankings, user experience and the delivery of content, reducing its quality.

Use a range of content formats

Content writing is chief throughout content marketing. Across blog, social, web and email marketing formats, content is regularly distributed. Yet there are also further formats that can be implemented to improve the readability of content, such as video and imagery.

High-quality content is engaging across the senses. Achieve this through using a range of quality formats.

Analyse content

Creating content should be a creative, strategic, and analytical responsibility. To measure the quality of content, analysis should be consistent, to move forward with high-performing formats and to improve those of lower results.

Google Analytics is a useful tool to make use of throughout content analysis.

Edit and update content

Similarly, content analysis, editing and updating existing content will maintain its quality, relevance and ranking across search engines.

Content marketing isn’t just about producing new content, but it’s also about refining and distributing existing content on an ongoing basis.

Content marketing is a very important specialism of digital marketing, contributing to growth and success in many ways. Knowing how to create high-quality content is therefore very important, which we can help with here at MaxWeb Solutions.

For more guidance on ‘how to create high-quality content?’, reach out today, to our specialist SEO Wirral based agency, performing across the digital marketing landscape.



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