The impact of keyword choice on website rankings

Aug 28, 2020

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Here’s all you need to know about keywords, along with the impact of keyword choice on website rankings.

Content has always been king. Previously, the definition of king stood as a well written, informative and engaging piece. However, in today’s world, in an optimised and competitive online arena where website rankings direct success, content needs to be much more than king; it needs to speak to search engines.

SEO, known as search engine optimisation, is the process of increasing awareness, engagement, web traffic and conversions, ultimately boosting website rankings. Through this highly utilised process, business owners and marketers are following SEO best practices, yet are they getting noticed?

Unfortunately, many are jumping in without exercising the simple yet impactful tool of keywords. Others are second guessing the most suitable keyword choice, hoping it will miraculously improve their website rankings. Others will select outdated keywords, or at worst, will fail to update their keywords.

By doing the above, your website rankings will not reach their capabilities. Your content, and the effort that goes into it will go unnoticed, will be pointless, standing stagnant on your website. Whether you’re hoping to improve your digital image, or have fallen short by doing the above, keep reading.

If you require support with your website rankings, SEO strategy or overarching digital marketing plan, reach out to our Maxweb Solutions team, boasting digital specialisms.


Why are keywords important?

Keywords are undervalued in the world of SEO. Many marketers and business owners focus on other SEO areas, they will plough their money into link building and image tags. Yet, a suitable keyword choice can stand as a small yet impactful move when considering SEO and website rankings; unfortunately ignored by many.

If you’re new to SEO, keywords are a phrase or a number of words which define your content and pull it up through online searches. For example, your content may be focusing on promoting a music event in London. Your ideal customer segment will likely search for ‘music events in London’ or ‘tickets for London music events’. With this in mind, these search phrases will likely be a starting point when considering keyword choice. Yet, there’s so much more to it, to cleverly boost the suitability of your content over search engines, in turn, boosting your website rankings.

Having a strong keyword choice can ensure that your ideal customer can reach your content, it can build your credibility over search engines, it can help you stand out, especially in saturated industries, and it can of course, increase your website rankings and conversions.

The impact of keyword choice on website rankings is something we all should focus on, especially in highly broad niches. Here’s some tips on harnessing the power of a simple keyword choice, helping you experience their benefits.


The impact of keyword choice and website rankings – here’s what to do

If you’re wondering, ‘how do I choose keywords for my website?’, here’s some tips to ensure you are benefiting from your keyword choice and their direct influence on website rankings.

Complete regular keyword research

Instead of guessing with your keywords, it is wise that keyword research is consistently completed. Although you may know your ideal customer, although you may know your website, guessing isn’t helping your website rankings.

By understanding the exact keywords, searched by your audience, which also represent your offering, you will stand a stronger chance of online exposure, translating into your rankings.

There are a number of reliable tools you can utilise to complete keyword research, such as Ubersuggest SEO tool. By investing your time into research, you will stand in a stronger position to experience the positive impact of keyword choice.

Focus on relevant keywords

Many companies unknowingly rank for irrelevant keywords. This will firstly be down to a lack of SEO strategy, but from also selecting unrelated content topics. Firstly, when creating content, it should be linked to your offering as a company, your geographical capacity and your mission. From here, completing keyword research will help you select relevant phrases, rather than overpopulated keywords.

It’s very important that you do aim for a related keyword, as SERPs, linked to website rankings do follow the appropriate frequency. With this in mind, if you avoid a fitting keyword choice, you will not be commended for this.

Avoid overused keywords

Alongside the relevance of your keyword choice, you should consider the frequency of your selection. Overused keywords are commonly chosen. Yet, through this half-hearted SEO strategy, especially in saturated markets, you will struggle to stand out. You will be battling against competitors for industry credibility, ultimately taking your eye off your SEO performance and website rankings.

By selecting a keyword with a frequency between 0.5% and 3%, you’ll stand a greater chance at ranking for your keyword; resulting in higher views, click throughs, conversions and purchases.

Update your keywords

Many business owners will publish their content and leave it be. This is discouraged, as trends change, as customer needs change, as search engine best practices change. You should firstly ensure that your keyword choice is relevant, yet you must continue this activity to future-proof your online ranking.

Keywords can be changed as many times as you’d like. Of course, this can take some time. Yet, by keeping your content relevant, by showing your desire to listen to the needs of your customers, you will be rewarded with a higher website ranking.


Our SEO services here at Maxweb Solutions

If you’re juggling numerous hats or SEO isn’t your forte, it’s understandable to see why your keyword choice may have fallen flat. It’s also very easy to see how website rankings can reduce without ongoing maintenance of your keyword choices.

The impact of keyword choice on website rankings is significant. It can transform your digital capabilities in many different ways. With this in mind, if you are struggling to complete regular keyword research, if you’re finding it hard to differentiate yourself by selecting relevant yet unsaturated phrases, if you’re struggling with the time to update your content, we can help.

The quality of your content is very important, to engage your audience, to influence conversions. Yet, your clickthrough rate, your ability to rank and attract your ideal customers is just as important, marked as one of the first steps in the decision-making process. To secure your ability to be searched, prioritise keyword choice through our services here at Maxweb Solutions.

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The impact of keyword choice on website rankings
