4 ways SEO can improve customer experience

Jan 14, 2021

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Ploughing money, effort and time into search engine optimisation sounds like a great idea. In fact, it is, yet only if you harness the entire sphere of SEO and its functionality.

Unfortunately, many companies will work to build a website, content and links with the primary goal of ranking highly across search engines. Of course, this is a key aim of SEO, to pull up across search engines, standing as a credible and reliable source.

Yet, in the process of refining SEO strategies, many companies will also forget about the functionality, quality and suitability of their assets, by purely speaking out to the technology itself, rather than their audience.

When utilising SEO guidelines and strategy, there are a wealth of goals to aim for. Ranking highly is one, where your offering is seen as valuable, as helpful, as current and as dependable, working with SEO algorithms.

Another is to get in front of the right people, as many of them as possible, by meeting regular search requirements. Converting searches into action is also a goal linked to search engine optimisation. Yet, an important goal which many companies forget about is to improve customer experience.

A quality SEO strategy can work in your favour in many different ways, standing as an instrumental marketing tool. Yet, throughout this technology-driven method, we mustn’t forget about human touchpoints and those who will ultimately be buying into your product/service.

Here are 4 ways SEO can improve customer experience, along with the importance of doing so, helping to elevate your entire online offering. For support with your SEO strategy, contact our team here at Maxweb Solutions, standing as a reliable and experienced SEO agency.


Why is customer experience important?

Without considering your online customer experience, there’s a strong likelihood that you’ll fail to secure a consistent stream of customers.

While your offering may be in demand if customers cannot navigate your website, in fact, cannot view your website, cannot source current reliable information, and cannot gain a greater understanding of your offering, they will go elsewhere.

Your customer experience can therefore dictate your online success as a business, influencing many KPIs around your probabilities to build brand loyalty, to grow in crowded markets, to lead the industry and to answer to customer needs.

Considering your customer experience, when building your SEO strategy is consequently very important, which can be easily done, by combining the technical and human side of search engine optimisation.

See the most effective ways SEO can improve customer experience for you, and for your audience.


4 ways SEO can improve customer experience

SEO can come across as a complex marketing tool to use. Yet, there are some basics that you can excel in, beyond the technical side of search engine optimisation, helping to secure greater results for your online offering.

Starting with customer experience, here’s how you can manage your SEO to talk to both the machine and human visitor on your website, service page or blog.


Think about the quality of your content

You may have a consistent churn of suitable content, circulated across your website. Firstly, consistency is very important, as it shows search engines that you are current and that you are open for service.

Secondly, suitability is mandatory in order to rank highly, in competition with your online opponents. Yet, alongside the measures of your content, it must also rank as quality.

Anyone can write a blog and fill it with suitable keywords. Anyone can write multiple pieces of content to keep a website up to date. Anyone can write a sales pitch to promote business.

But to stand out to your audience and to help them through the decision-making process, you must consider the quality, readability, helpfulness and trustworthiness of your content.

You can improve your customer experience, brand loyalty and trust by combining SEO techniques with copy, images, infographics, and visuals that fulfil the needs of your audience.


Think about your website’s navigation

Again, you may have a website promoting your key offering as a company. You may have contact details on view, you may have your mission statement on view, you may have an embedded Shopify tab on view, and you may have reviews on view, all enriched with SEO techniques.

Yet, in conjunction with common website content, you must think about the functionality and navigational capacity of your website, for your customers’ sake and for your SEO score.

For customers to spend time on your website and experience some value, navigation is key, helping your customer reach location A to B with ease.

Think about whether your website design looks credible, whether the information is categorised into tabs, whether those tabs are identifiable, whether click-throughs are correct, whether your link has HTTPS, and whether the flow of your website provides ease.

If so, your SEO efforts will already provide a worthwhile customer experience. Yet, if not, you can easily scare your audience away through an unfulfilling, frustrating customer experience.


Think about the credibility of your internal and external links

Naturally, link-building is a concerning area of SEO for many businesses. You may believe that embedding a link, to another website, may divert traffic to a competitor. This can of course happen if you fail to follow standard SEO techniques.

Yet, careful link building can strengthen the credibility of your website, while improving customer experience.

Internal and external links, presentable throughout your content will increase the credibility of your offering.

Quality link building will also make your content accessible, improve your ranking across search engines, and also provide a steppingstone within your customer’s decision-making process.

Standing as one of the 4 ways SEO can improve customer experience, you can enrich your text with suitable, reliable and strong backlinks, providing greater credibility levels while tackling robust algorithms.


Think about your load speed

By enriching your website with streams of content, with a wealth of links, and with quality design, naturally, it can fill up your website and slow down your load speed.

This will devalue your customer experience as it will take a significant amount of time for your website to load, which imaginably is frustrating.

A slow-loading website will also impact your SEO score as your bounce-back rate will be significantly higher, unravelling your hard work and reducing your credibility across search engines.

To get the right balance, optimising your content will be recommended, along with improving the quality of your code.

To understand exactly what is causing bounce backs, a website audit will be a proactive step to welcome, helping to grasp what could be jeopardising your customer experience and SEO ranking.


Search engine optimisation services here at Maxweb Solutions

SEO can feel like an overwhelming tool to utilise. Yet, in today’s world, it is imperative, to attract and retain loyal online customers.

Through some simple steps, you can harness the value of SEO, along with looking to improve your customer experience, all by considering the quality of your online image, offering and usability.

Reach this point by utilising the 4 ways SEO can improve customer experience, along with strengthening your overall SEO strategy.

For support with your ranking, customer experience and ongoing online offering, make use of our search engine optimisation services here at Maxweb Solutions, in place to improve the reliability and viability of your website.


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4 ways SEO can improve customer experience
