Digital Marketing

Our Top Tips for Your Digital Marketing During COVID-19

Nov 13, 2020

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COVID-19 has had disastrous repercussions on businesses of all shapes and sizes across the world.

Lockdown has seen many forced to temporarily close their doors, leaving business owners somewhat uneasy about the future.

However, an increase in the number of consumers taking advantage of the internet and social media has provided an opportunity for businesses to not only survive but thrive.

With an increasing number of consumers forced to stay home and even self-isolate, it could be argued that it has never been more critical for small, medium and even large organisations to take advantage of the benefits that digital marketing affords.

Regardless of the size of your business, shifting from brick and mortar to digital may have presented its challenges.

ikewise, if you had a solid digital marketing plan in place before the development of COVID-19 but have now noticed a difference in your target consumer’s behaviour, you may find yourself in need of some support.

At MaxWeb Solutions, we understand that digital marketing can be somewhat perplexing.

However, we are on hand to provide our top tips for your digital marketing during COVID-19 to ensure that you can truly make the most of your digital presence.

If you have searched high and low for advice on how to manage your digital marketing, why not take our top tips for your digital marketing during COVID-19 into consideration?


Listen to Your Consumer

As COVID-19 sees millions of people across the world embracing a new normal, consumer needs and wants have drastically shifted.

With a difference in consumer needs, brands must listen to what their consumers now need if they are to succeed during this period of uncertainty.

Social listening is a vital part of the customer experience. It offers brands the ability to exceed consumer needs and increase brand loyalty.

Listening to what your target consumers want and need as their lives adjust will enable you to adapt your marketing efforts and ensure that you are meeting said needs.


Ensure That Your Website Is Designed for Ecommerce

With many businesses required to shut their doors, the way in which consumers shop and spend money has fundamentally changed.

Rather than visiting brick and mortar stores, consumers are taking to the internet to purchase items that they desire.

Although online stores and e-commerce sales have been on the rise for many years, in the UK, online sales are reported to have grown by at least 20% in the last few years.

Now, more than ever, an online presence and e-commerce website is crucial. A lack of e-commerce presence could, unfortunately, force even your loyal consumers to look elsewhere for the products that they would typically purchase from you.

If your website does not currently provide your target consumer with the ability to purchase from you, it is well worth investing in an e-commerce website.


Take Advantage of Social Media to Communicate and Develop Trust

Since March 2020, internet and social media use has surged to record levels according to Ofcom.

It is believed that the average adult now spends four hours a day scrolling social media and shopping online.

While your target consumer may be hesitant to purchase during these uncertain periods, this does not mean that you should bring your social media marketing efforts to a halt.

In fact, if anything, you should utilise social media more to communicate with your target consumer and build trust.

Acknowledging what is going on in the world and employing a conversational tone of voice to engage with your target consumer and followers will not only help your brand appear more human, but it will ultimately help you develop trust.


Make Sure Your Target Consumer Can Find Your Business Online

As consumers continue to take advantage of the digital realm, you must ensure that your business can be easily found online.

As consumers search online for products they need, you have the opportunity to gain their attention. However, this can only be done successfully if a website is optimised for search.

To ensure that your website is optimised for search, you first of all need to consider who your target consumer is.

It would help if you then contemplated the keywords they may use as they conduct their search.  Armed with this knowledge, you can employ various short and long-tail keywords into your website copy.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we would recommend adjusting your chosen keywords to reflect what your target consumer is searching for. This could include ensuring that your website is optimised for local search.

Although you may want to appeal to consumers across the UK, it has been noted that consumers are shopping closer to home in a bid to support local businesses during the pandemic.


Review Your Digital Marketing Performance and Strategy

As COVID-19 forces businesses to press pause on face-to-face interaction with consumers, it is possible that you may find yourself with some spare time on your hands.

Although publishing content on your social media channels and website is important, we would highly advise using the time to review your current digital marketing performance and strategy.

Taking the time to stop and reflect on your digital marketing performance will offer the opportunity to determine if your current strategy is helping you reach those all-important business goals.

In turn, you will be able to form an understanding of how your digital marketing contributes to your overall business goals and whether anything needs adapting to enhance the success and performance of your business.


Let Us Help You Make the Most of Your Digital Presence

Have you attempted to take advantage of our top tips for your digital marketing during COVID-19?

Do you believe that you could benefit from additional support?

Why not let us help you make the most of your digital presence?

We have helped a wealth of businesses across the country increase their return on investment through the employment of digital marketing. Now, we are ready to help you.

Whether you have a question or would like to enquire about our services, give us a call today on 0151 652 4777.

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