Web Development

What Is Structured Data And Why Is It Important?

Oct 22, 2021

What Is Structured Data And Why Is It Important? Header Background

To communicate with search engines, language and vocabulary must be clear and relevant. Most recognised by search engines, Schema is the language of choice, which helps to turn content into rich code.

Also known as structured data, this is a strategy that helps to smoothly connect with search engines. It also helps with increasing site visibility and credibility, while boosting mutual understandings of content. Reasonably, this is extremely valuable when considering search engine optimisation (SEO) and rankings, as connectivity is valued by search engines as a measuring tool.

Although it’s now becoming a necessity to adopt a structured data strategy, it’s still in its infancy, through the ever-changing world of SEO. To help increase understanding and adoption, here’s some insight into ‘what is structured data and why is it important?’.

Ultimately, structured data helps to simplify, speed up and increase the quality of communication in SEO. Here are some tips on how to best implement it, with our guidance at MaxWeb Solutions.


What is structured data and why is it important for SEO?

For written content to connect with readers, it will be communicated through human means. To instead connect with search engines, it will be communicated through coded language. This process is called structured data, which transfers content over to an understandable, easy to digest language.

The most popular language is Schema, which helps to define content for its messaging and purpose. Making use of structured data increases indexing helps to communicate quality and credibility, over to search engines, and helps to present content optimally for the reader.

For online businesses, making use of structured data is recommended, as it’s very important for SEO. Not only will it help a website perform better and faster, but it also strengthens ranking rates and relationships with the likes of Google.

Structured data is also important as it helps to improve the user experience from both search and on-site angles. User experience is highly linked with SEO, as the usability of content helps to increase its value and worth for readers. Through such performance, this will communicate your worth, over to search engines, helping to solidify rankings.

As more and more companies adopt structured data, to tap into both human and tech communication strategies, it will soon dominate SEO. It’s understandably new and will take some adjusting.

Yet to follow innovation, incorporating structured data, by following our below tips, is recommended. For more insight into ‘what is structured data and why is it important?’, reach out here at MaxWeb Solutions.


Differences between structured and unstructured data

Unstructured data represents most online content, which isn’t formatted or programmed to follow an exact structure. The majority of content is flexible and can be displayed uniquely.

However, to benefit from structured data, the content will need to follow pre-developed formats. This will make sure that content is readable and transferable over to Schema, delivering both on-site and off-site benefits.

Although structured data is more complicated than unstructured, greater control is found through following a pre-formed format, with attached goals.


The advantages of structured data

There are many advantages to implementing structured data. They include:

  • Rapid indexing across search engines
  • Increased impressions, engagement, and conversion rates
  • Accurate search results
  • A stronger relationship with search engines
  • Mutually transmitted content and brand aims
  • Higher volumes of detail and information for each piece of content
  • Both human and tech suitable communication
  • Greater control over communication
  • Greater performance over SEO

Not only will structured data improve front-end experience, but it will improve back-end results, including SEO. Greater control can be experienced over the communication and purpose of content, whilst also making sure that awareness and understanding are mutual.

The impacts of structured data on rankings, on long-term search relationships and on the usefulness and quality of content are significant. Make use of it with our below tips.


Structured data tips

Structured data can be implemented by firstly selecting a specific format to follow. The most recommended is JSON-LD, which is a Javascript format. It’s a type of code that is only visible by search engines, offering a clear structure for content creation and publishing.

There are additional options, such as Microdata. Yet JSON-LD is favoured by Google, the most utilised and results-driven search engine, meaning that it’s the most efficient language.

From here, content should be created and inputted following the pre-formed structure. You’ll want to optimise your content, following technical SEO, including keyword input. Depending on your business type and the format of your content, different features will be available, to highlight your message and purpose.

For example, ‘how to guides’ work well across structured data, offering timelines and checklists as key features. Through structured data, they will be visible for readers, whilst providing search engines with in-depth, relevant snippets of content.

As structured data is ever-changing, very similar to SEO, it’s worth keeping on top of any updates or new languages. By doing so, you can maintain your SEO strategy, to produce and deliver clear and relevant communication.


Implementing structured data with our help

Coding, web development and SEO can all be complicated without full insight. We’re here to offer such insight and support whilst implementing structured data.

You can contact our team at MaxWeb Solutions for further information on ‘what is structured data and why is it important?’. You can also access our full range of digital marketing services, to bring together your online efforts. A full SEO strategy can be developed, also taking into account structured data and its benefits.

Reach out to improve your communication strategy with both search engines and readers.

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