Digital Marketing

How To Create Mobile-Friendly Content

Oct 15, 2021

How To Create Mobile-Friendly Content Header Background

Every single day, more than 211 million people worldwide use mobile devices to search for information, products, or services that they require.

Providing brands, businesses and organisations across the globe with increased brand exposure, a boost in sales and greater conversions, mobile searches contribute to the 6.9 billion Google searches conducted each day and generate approximately half of all website traffic.

With an increase in mobile use, to reap the rewards that mobile search provides, it is more important now than ever to create mobile-friendly content that is easily accessible, has quick loading times and is responsive.

At MaxWeb Solutions, we create mobile-friendly content for clients spanning a wealth of different industries.  If you are hoping to uncover how to create mobile-friendly content, you have come to the right place.

In this blog, we share our top tips for creating mobile-friendly content with you.


Tip One – Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly

If you are looking to create mobile-friendly content, one of the first things we advise you to do is make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

Usually, website designers will guarantee that websites work on both desktop and mobile devices.  However, a study conducted to examine the number of mobile-friendly websites found that approximately 24% of websites are not.

Unfortunately, websites that are not mobile-friendly can harm a business’s reputation, not just with customers but Google too.  This is because the search engine giant prioritises mobile-friendly content, which means that mobile-friendly content and websites will rank better in search and acquire much more attention.


Tip Two – Ensure That Your Mobile Content Loads Within Two Seconds

When it comes to creating mobile-friendly content, many presume that doing so simply entails writing suitable website copy.  Though the copy published on your website will enable you to create mobile-friendly content, you must first ensure that your mobile content loads within two seconds.

Mobile content that takes longer than two seconds to load usually has a much higher bounce rate.  Unfortunately, a higher bounce rate indicates that people are leaving your website just as quickly as they are clicking on it.

Ensuring that your mobile content loads fast can be tricky.  However, compressing the sizes of any images or videos on your website and making sure your website design is mobile-friendly will assist you.


Tip Three – Make Sure Your Headlines Sell Your Content

Having ensured that your website is mobile-friendly, it’s time to get to work on your content.  First things first, we highly recommend ensuring that your headlines essentially sell your content. By this, we mean that your headline should entice your target audience and tell them what they need.

Often a deciding factor, headlines that are longer than twelve words are cut off on mobile devices.  This makes it incredibly difficult for those searching for content to ascertain whether they will find what they need on your website.

As a result, when creating mobile-friendly content, we recommend producing headlines that are six or seven words in length.


Tip Four – Consider Your Content Structure

Whether you are writing a blog, service page or landing page, to create mobile-friendly content, you must consider the structure of your content.

Although it is not uncommon to see web pages that feature endless amounts of texts, unfortunately, this content is not received well on mobile devices.

In contrast, content that features several secondary headings, or H2 headers as they are otherwise referred to as, short paragraphs, images, and even videos are.

Not only does incorporating these elements break content up, but it makes content easier to read and essentially enables mobile users to digest content much quicker.

When content is well structured, readers are also more likely to find the answers they are searching for in a shorter period and complete a call to action, such as purchasing a product or inquiring about a service.


Tip Five – Optimise Your Content For Search

Last but not least, when it comes to creating mobile-friendly content, you must ensure that your content is optimised for search.

Optimising your content for search may seem tricky.  However, ensuring that your content is optimised for specific short and long-tail keywords will boost your chance of featuring on the first page of the search engine results page.

Though many believe that optimising content simply includes using one keyword several times throughout a web page, you must first conduct keyword research to determine which search terms your target audience will be using.

Not only will this give you a competitive advantage, but it will ensure that your target audience finds you as and when they need your services. In turn, you will acquire new customers, retain existing customers and see an increase in your return on investment, along with other all-important website metrics.


Is Your Content Mobile-Friendly?

Determining whether your content is mobile-friendly can be difficult, especially if you are not familiar with the many practices that must be implemented to ensure that mobile-friendly content is published.  Yet, here at MaxWeb Solutions, we are on hand to assist you.

Experts within our fields, we create seamless mobile-friendly content day in, day out.  Having worked with organisations spanning various industries, we know just how important mobile-friendly content is, and we take great pride in ensuring that all of our clients secure the return on investment they need.

If you are unsure of whether your content is mobile-friendly, we can assist you.  From reviewing your website structure to evaluating the success of your content, we can make suitable recommendations and implement them too.


Contact Us Today

Having reviewed our top tips on how to create mobile-friendly content, if you are ready to enhance your digital marketing strategy and ensure that your website content is mobile-friendly, please feel free to get in contact with us today by calling us on 0151 652 4777.

Alternatively, you can chat with us online or request a quote, and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.



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