There are many different ways that your customers can consume the content that you create. Whether you are writing blogs, creating an audio podcast, or making videos, you need to get your message out there in as many different ways as possible. And video is becoming increasingly important.
That’s why, in this article, the Maxweb team explain why you should have videos on your website and some of the benefits that they bring.
The quick answer
Yes – your website would benefit significantly from the inclusion of video content. Currently, the chances are that you are only use text and images on your website. As good as they are, you probably need more.
The most successful commercial websites use several different types of media format to ensure maximum visibility to and engagement from their customers. Deciding which way your content is best consumed is an ongoing process and it starts with diversifying your content and seeing what works.
Once you have analytical data to work with from testing each type of format, you can then move forward with varying which kinds of content you publish most often. For example, you might write a blog that gets 7,000 hits but the same content in video form might be watched 15,000 times – despite providing the customer with the same valuable information.
Why should your website contain videos?
Here are 5 reasons you should consider adding in video content to your website:
The market is moving that way
More and more businesses are finding success with video content. Yet, for some reason, many businesses are afraid of getting started with video content or they don’t know where to start. The problem with this is that, if your competitors are all producing video content and you aren’t, you’re in danger of getting left behind.
Your inbound marketing strategy will benefit from videos
Videos increase your SEO – this is just a fact. The more traffic that gets directed to your website, the higher you will rank on search engines. Because more and more consumers are viewing their content via video, naturally, your SEO rank will increase.
Videos keep people on your website for longer
The attention span of your average internet consumer is short. This means that you need to grab their attention and keep it for as long as possible. If somebody isn’t drawn in by written content or pure audio content (such as a radio show or a podcast), combining audio content with something visually stimulating can help retain your customers’ attention for longer.
Easier to engage with your brand for smartphone users
Often, media is consumed on a smartphone. This is a trend that is growing and not showing any sign of slowing down. However, reading on a smartphone is quite an unpleasant experience for many users.
A much better alternative is to provide these users with video content that is a lot more accessible for mobile users to consume. This means adding in large text, clear images, and avoiding overcomplicated diagrams.
If your content follows these guidelines, it is far more likely to be shared. This is because it is significantly easier to share content on a mobile phone in an app than it is on a web browser. Use this to your business’s advantage and make content that mobile users will want to consume and pass along to their friends and work colleagues.
Demonstrating your products
Videos can also demonstrate your products better than text possibly could. When a consumer to get a clear picture of what a product is, how it works, and what it looks like when it is working – they are far more likely to buy it from you.
We can help
If you are looking to include videos into your website but you don’t know where to start, get in touch with our team. We are web development specialists who are happy to help you put together a website that will drive more customers to your business. For more information about what we can do for you, call us on0151 652 4777.
Posted on Monday, September 24th, 2018 in Web Design.